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We offer a wide variety of projects, crafts, painting, kids yoga, music and nature walks, in the daycare program. We encourage the children to learn and ask questions. There is a daily "story time" where we introduce the children to wonderful new characters in the books that also help teach them good manners, kindness and friendship. We provide a learning environment filled with fun, creativity and wonder.


We will also be spending a great deal of time outside, as long as the weather permits. We will be taking daily walks, this is also a learning time for them. 


Below is the outline and cost: 

1)  15 years experience.


2)  Operating days and hours. Mon-Fri: 7:30 -5:30.


3)  Full time childcare $210. per week.


4)  A creative and learning environment.


Academic Enrichment


Sweet Dreams DayCare is constantly trying to enrich the lives of the children. Recently, the owner, Sandra finished an 8 month course certification in health, nutrition and exercise. She wants to give the children the opportunity to try new things, such as cooking, playing musical instruments, singing and dancing. It is also her goal to instill a sense of pride and accomplishment in the children in their daily learning process. Children love to learn and expand their horizons. Even at a young age, they love the feeling of self accomplishment. We encourage the children to share these accomplishments with their parents weekly.

Childcare Program

Whole Day: 

7:30 - 8:30: A healthy breakfast is served.


8:30 - 9:00: Free play (this is free time while waiting for all children to arrive in the morning).


9:00 - 10-00: Projects, arts & crafts.


10:00 - 10:30: Healthy snack and story time.


10:30 - 11:15: Outside play, nature walks. Weather permitting.

Raining or cold weather: kids yoga, games and puzzles.


11:30 - 12:30: Well balanced and nutritious lunch is served.


12:30 - 1:30: A quiet time to watch a selected dvd, or age appropriate program on television.


1:30 - 3:30: Nap time, this is a very important time of the day for all children, to rest ,relax and recharge.


3:45 - 4:00: Afternoon snack time.


4:00 - 5:30: Puzzles ,coloring ,blocks, music and outside play (weather permitting).


5:30: Pick up time.

Give us a call:


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